X-reporterId: fafd49faba430db7754799344f77bcee
X-origin: [SML 5984] http://www.sra.co.jp/smalltalk/SML/archives/2002-October/005984.html
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 5.00.2195 SP3
CPU: Intel Pentium III Mobile 1200MHz
memory: 654,256 KB
displaySystem: ATI Mobility Radeon (32MB)
comment: IBM ThinkPad A30p
reportId: BF8658C3
reportFormat: 4
time: October 28, 2002 10:13:23.000
junVersion: Jun 454
version: VisualWorks NonCommercial, Release 5i.4 of August 9, 2001
versionId: #[54 41 54 65 54 0 0 0 54 41 54 79]
patches: OrderedCollection ('CScanner Release 3.2')
platform: win32 V5.0 nt i386
colorDepth: 32
colorPalette: (Graphics.FixedPalette redShift: 0 redMask: 255 greenShift: 8 greenMask: 255 blueShift: 16 blueMask: 255)
memorySize: #(307200 61440 204800 40960 655360 4560444 204800)
memoryReport: \4963032 bytes available\378874 objects,  20128228 bytes in use
: End Of Platform Description

Jun Benchmarks (Times)

Individual benchmark results (3 iterations):

Benchmark       	Minimum	Maximum	A-Mean 
---------       	-------	-------	------ 

Create 3D Object	2.079  	2.302  	2.15833
Show 3D Object  	1.719  	1.912  	1.786  
Benzene Rotation	4.026  	4.156  	4.1    
Texture Rotation	9.533  	9.581  	9.557  
Transformation  	5.578  	5.615  	5.59267
Voronoi         	5.779  	5.876  	5.83433
Delaunay        	6.185  	6.345  	6.24167

Benchmark suite results (3 iterations):

Rating Type	Minimum	Maximum	A-Mean 
-----------	-------	-------	------ 

A-Mean     	4.99457	5.10029	5.03857