X-reporterId: 5194371003ad43f841758d5258b16ca0
X-origin: [SML 5973] http://www.sra.co.jp/smalltalk/SML/archives/2002-October/005973.html
OS: MacOS 9.2.2
CPU: PowerPC G3 500MHz
memory: 384MB
displaySystem: ATY Rage M3 (pParent)
comment: Macintosh PowerBook G3
reportId: BF83CADC
reportFormat: 4
time: October 26, 2002 11:43:24.000
junVersion: Jun 454
version: VisualWorks NonCommercial, Release 5i.4 of August 9, 2001
versionId: #[54 32 54 65 54 0 0 0 54 32 54 79]
patches: OrderedCollection ('CScanner Release 3.2')
platform: mac MacOS V9.22 Power
colorDepth: 24
colorPalette: (Graphics.FixedPalette redShift: 16 redMask: 255 greenShift: 8 greenMask: 255 blueShift: 0 blueMask: 255)
memorySize: #(307200 61440 204800 20480 1179648 4954776 400000)
memoryReport: \5552564 bytes available\314354 objects,  24010488 bytes in use
: End Of Platform Description

Jun Benchmarks (Times)

Individual benchmark results (3 iterations):

Benchmark           Minimum Maximum A-Mean
---------           ------- ------- ------

Create 3D Object    5.134   5.612   5.32733
Show 3D Object      1.0     1.04    1.021
Benzene Rotation    4.25    4.638   4.395
Texture Rotation    10.769  11.13   10.9047
Transformation      11.906  12.199  12.1003
Voronoi             25.324  26.82   25.9077
Delaunay            25.559  27.798  26.6923

Benchmark suite results (3 iterations):

Rating Type Minimum Maximum A-Mean
----------- ------- ------- ------

A-Mean      12.1479 12.6291 12.3355